Zack Enders

-Full Stack Developer-


I've always loved computers and technology, but I just recently got into web development, and I love it! Few things compare to that “a-ha!” moment after debugging an application or coding out an idea from scratch.

I recently graduated from a coding bootcamp and I'm ready to start my journey as a developer. The New York Code and Design Academy has taught me how to learn new technologies fast, and gave me a great foundation in a few languages. I’m actively seeking a role in full-stack web development. If you know of an opportunity that might be a good fit, please say hello!

When I’m not at my keyboard, I like going snowboarding, zipping around town on a cruiser board, spending time with friends, building and fixing computers, and attempting to cook new recipes at home, just to name a few. I'm always interested in trying new things and meeting new people! If you want to get to know more about me or want to chat about code, head over to my contact page and send me an email!


Some experience with:


If you or your company are looking for a web developer and I seem like a good fit please get in touch!

If you're interested in connecting, please reach out to me! I'm always looking to meet new people and talk about code. If it has nothing to do with coding, and you just want to grab a cup of coffee and talk about snowboarding or something, that's fine too!

Call/text or shoot me an email and I'll get back to you as soon as possible!


The idea of this application is to rent your driveway to other users. It is a community-based site and functions like AirBnB. Users can rent out their driveway and reserve other users driveways.

Park Smart was designed with the user in mind. The application uses a mix of Sass and BootStrap for the front end, and Ruby on Rails on the backend for full CRUD functionality. The users can browse without an account, but one is required to post driveway spots, and to make reservations. Google API requests allow the user to auto-complete their address while creating a parking spot. The address then converts to a geo location and drops a marker on a Google Map. This allows the user that has reserved the driveway to see where the spot is, and also a street view of the location. Reservations can be made and stored using a jQuery datepicker.


This is a social media-based sport tracker application. The users are able to view game stats and data without an account. Account creation is required if the user wishes to post pictures and interact with other users through comments.

This application was developed by a team of 4 developers. We used HTML and Sass for the styling of the website. For our backend we used Ruby on Rails, which allows the user to create an account. It also allows the user to post photos and comments on the game boxscore pages. The login and sign up pop-up functionality was created using vanilla JavaScript. The core of the app was the MySportsFeeds API which allowed us to render previous game data and stats.


This is a fully functional hangman game. The player has multiple chances to guess the word correctly, but they have to choose their letters wisely or they might end up dead.

I developed this game from scratch, using only HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The design is based off of a video game called Limbo. The main input for this game is from the players keypress. This allows the player to type the letters they want to guess. If the user is correct then the letter will take the place of its corresponding underscore. When a player wins or loses the game a modal box opens, alerting the user if they have lived to see another day, or if they have died. The player may then decide if they would like to play again.